
Cover for OP#61: Iran-Russia Defense Cooperation: Current Realities and Future Horizons

OP#61: Iran-Russia Defense Cooperation: Current Realities and Future Horizons

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the country’s defense relationship with Iran has deepened and widened considerably.

War on the Rocks

The Uncomfortable Reality of Russia and Iran’s New Defense Relationship

Since 2022, Russia’s defense relationship with Iran has taken a big leap forward.

Foreign Affairs logo

What Russia Wants in the Middle East

Moscow seeks to exploit instability but avoid escalation.

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Nuclear energy could power the AI boom—but only if proliferation risks are minimized

The United States should prioritize support to industry players that have minimized the proliferation risks of their prospective technology.

2024 Summer Undergraduate Fellows with Dr. William Potter, CNS Director, and Masako Toki, Sr. Project Manager

CNS commits to educating the next generation of nonproliferation experts through the Summer Undergraduate Program

This summer again, a cohort of twelve highly qualified students has been selected as Undergraduate Fellows through a competitive and rigorous selection process.

Russia, the Global South and the Mechanics of the Nuclear Order

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has severely impacted global nuclear governance, hindering progress in crucial forums such as the IAEA, NPT, and UN First Committee, amplifying frustration among non-nuclear countries.

Jamaican ambassador to Japan Shorna-Kay Richards and CNS Director William Potter

Ambassador Richard’s Speech Highlights CNS’ Impact on Nonproliferation

Ambassador Shorna-Kay M. Richards spread a message of urgency to address a myriad of global problems but also one of hope.

Hideo Asano holding a microphone

MIIS/MANPTS Alumnus Hideo Asano Strives to Join Forces for Nuclear Abolition

This new group is aiming to persuade the Japanese government to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) by the year 2030.

OP#59: Russia, The Global South and Multilateral Nuclear Diplomacy after the Invasion of Ukraine

OP#59: Russia, The Global South and Multilateral Nuclear Diplomacy after the Invasion of Ukraine

This paper assesses the impact of Russia’s war against Ukraine on multilateral nuclear diplomacy, with a particular focus on dynamics between Russia and countries of the Global South.

Oppenheimer: The Rest of the Story

Dr. Hecker provides the back story to some key elements of the film and shares his views on the legacy of Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project.