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It Is Time to Update the President’s Nuclear Command Authority

Increased oversight, under the right circumstances, would decrease the risk of any US president using nuclear weapons preemptively or without just cause.

Raymond Zilinskas

In Remembrance of Raymond Zilinskas

We are very saddened by the recent passing of our long-time colleague and friend.

Nuclear power plant at night (Src: Pixababy from Pexels, used under Creative Commons Zero license)

Radioactive Material is Still Missing in Malaysia: Cause for Concern?

This material could be used to build a radiological dispersal device (RDD), commonly known as a “dirty bomb.”

CNS Summer Interns

The CNS Undergrad Experience

Hear from CNS summer interns what they appreciate most about the program.

U.S. developed M-388 Davy Crockett nuclear weapon mounted to a recoilless rifle on a tripod, shown here at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland in March 1961. (Department of Defense)

Point and Nuke

Remembering the era of portable atomic bombs.

Saudi Arabia energy and power icons with flag (src: Shutterstock)

Saudi Nuclear Program at a Crossroads

The program is barely in its infancy but has already spurred much controversy.

The Arirang Mass Games, held in the Rungnado May Day stadium (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

North Korea’s Nuclear Disappearing Act

Kim Jong Un has figured out that he can have his cake and eat it, too.

Trump Tweet

How Trump Could Trigger Armageddon with a Tweet

Is Trump’s use of Twitter a presidential statement or just a tweet?

UN High Representative for Disarmament Izumi Nakamitsu

UN High Representative for Disarmament Izumi Nakamitsu Visits CNS

She discussed new UN initiatives related to disarmament and nonproliferation education and the intersection of gender and nonproliferation.

War on the Rocks

The Good Old Days of the Cold War: US–Soviet Cooperation on Nonproliferation

Emphasis given to nonproliferation enabled cooperation during some of the most frigid moments of the Cold War.