Masako Toki Articles

CNS Summer Interns

The CNS Undergrad Experience

Hear from CNS summer interns what they appreciate most about the program.

2018 Summer Interns

CNS Summer Undergraduate Interns Share Research

Research was on media in nonproliferation, analyzing capabilities using open-source data, geospatial and countermeasure intelligence, and how nuclear governments think.

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

After the Trump-Kim summit: Where does Japan go from here?

The “biggest loser” of the Singapore summit faces tough decisions ahead. Some answers may lie in its recent past.

Summer 2018 Interns with CNS Director Dr. William Potter and Project Manager Masako Toki

Top-Level Undergraduates Join the CNS Summer Nonproliferation Internship Program

The 2018 group is a diverse set of undergraduates from a variety of backgrounds and specializations.

High school students from Japan, US, and Russia discuss the Nuclear Ban Treaty in Monterey.

High School Students from Japan, US, and Russia discuss the Nuclear Ban Treaty in Monterey

The conference was held in Monterey, CA, March 30–31.

William Potter, Masako Toki

Celebrating 15 Years of Disarmament and Nonproliferation Education

CNS experts on the need to inform and empower citizens for peace.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and Karinne Gordon, Pacific Grove High School

CIF Students as Youth Communicators for a World without Nuclear Weapons

For the second year in a row, four CIF students were invited to present their work at the prestigious conference in Hiroshima.

OP#33: WMD Proliferation Risks at the Nexus of 3D Printing and DIY Communities

Occasional Paper #33 examines the degree to which additive manufacturing – including its distribution and use – may be introducing new proliferation risks.

Battered religious figures stand watch on a hill above a tattered valley. Nagasaki, Japan.

Hibakusha, the Ban Treaty, and Future Generations

This time every year, we have an opportunity to learn more about what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when atomic bombs were dropped on these cities.

: CIF students and teacher with Dr. Lassina Zerbo and other CTBTO Youth members at the “Advocacy Tombola” session. Photo credit: CTBTO.

Critical Issues Forum at the CTBTO Science and Technology Conference in Vienna

Students engaged with policy experts, high-ranking officials, and science and technical experts in nuclear-test monitoring.