Jeffrey Lewis’s Articles

Trump is Bluffing about Attacking North Korea in 2018

But that still might get us all killed.

Occasional Paper #34 Pyongsan uranium mine map

OP#34: Open-Source Monitoring of Uranium Mining and Milling for Nuclear Nonproliferation Applications

Rapidly evolving open-source tools are giving researchers a window into the first step toward a possible nuclear bomb.

Jeffrey Lewis

With Technology, These Researchers Are Figuring Out North Korea’s Nuclear Secrets

Did North Korea just test another missile engine? Satellite images suggest it did.

CNS article

The Thick Red Line: Implications of the 2013 Chemical-Weapons Crisis for Deterrence and Transatlantic Relations

Whether or not American policy after the 2013 Syrian chemical-weapons attack was wise, its execution was bungled, causing harm to US– France relations.

Donald Trump August 19, 2015 (Credit: Michael Vadon, Wikimedia Commons)

Trump Just Started a Nuclear Crisis With Iran

Enabled by a craven Congress, the president is undermining the Iran deal and risking an escalation that he’s incapable of halting.

An Award for the Collapse of Nuclear Disarmament

ICAN isn’t the Nobel Peace Prize winner that policy makers wanted, but it’s the one they deserve.

North Korean Flag in Pyongyang

How the US Turned North Korea into a Nuclear Power

The US has forgotten the cold logic of nuclear diplomacy. Time to remember it.

Caricatures of John Kerry and Mohammad Javad Zarif. (src: DonkeyHotey,, Creative Commons 2.0)

President Trump Ready to Decertify Iran Deal

The end of the JCPOA could have serious, complicating effects on proliferation, regional security, and international trade.

North Korea boasts about its nuclear weapons program by releasing photos and videos of its missiles. But in them are tiny clues to their true capability. A team of US analysts, working outside the government, shows how they decode these images to determine when North Korea is bluffing—and when it is showing true power.

Wall Street Journal Video Spotlights CNS “Decoders”

Cutting-edge intelligence tools aren’t just for governments anymore.

CNS article

Donald Trump Threatened North Korea After Completely Imaginary Negotiations

Fake news is threatening to produce a very real war.