Jeffrey Lewis’s Articles

US and Iran Flags (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Media Advisory: Understanding the Final Iran Agreement

Experts from CNS and VCDNP are available for comment on a range of aspects pertaining to the final Iran nuclear deal and its implications.

What a Real Liberal Foreign Policy Would Look Like

What a Real Liberal Foreign Policy Would Look Like

A self-proclaimed lapsed philosopher offers a liberal’s view of effective foreign policy for the twenty-first century.

Saudi Arabia Can Build a Bomb

Sorry, Fareed: Saudi Arabia Can Build a Bomb Any Damn Time It Wants To

Fareed Zakaria’s assertion that Saudi Arabia can’t build a nuke is simply wrong– and its not all that hard to demonstrate why.

The Great Iranian Low-Enriched Uranium Stockpile Panic

There is something broken about how reporters and pundits are covering the Iran negotiations.

Great, Now China’s Got Multiple Nuclear Warhead Missiles?

Does China’s new MIRV capabilities alter its nuclear posture? And is this in direct response to US missile defense programs? Jeffrey Lewis explains.

Iran Nuclear Deal Roundtable Discussion

Iran Nuclear Deal Roundtable Discussion

Video: a roundtable discussion was held on April 9th, 2015 with Jeffrey Knopf moderating.

Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Security Implications of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Report: New energy policies need to set a good example in terms of safeguards, transparency and restraint.

Dr. Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO)

Head of CTBTO visits Monterey, Engages Students and Experts

Dr. Lassina Zerbo’s September visit includes an podcast recording, available for download.

Satellite map of Myanmar chemical weapons facility

Suspect Defense Facility in Myanmar

Satellite images confirm Unity Journal story alleging Myanmar built a chemical weapons facility.

North Korea Nuclear / Radiological

Dirty Bombs: Not Just for Terrorists

A look at North Korea’s possible state use of dirty bombs.