Hanna Notte Articles

The Wall Street Journal

The Perils of Premature Negotiation Over Ukraine

Peace talks with Russia are pointless unless Putin gives up his ambition to push the U.S. and NATO from Eastern Europe.

Cover page of the report titled: "An Oral History of the Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) Working Group". The cover features a group photo of the ACRS Working Group participants from April 1995 and lists the report title and names of the two authors, Dr. Chen Kane and Dr. Hanna Notte.

An Oral History of the Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) Working Group

The report contains a comprehensive account of the ACRS Working Group meetings during the 1990s.

Four participants on a video call

Arms Control and Regional Security Oral History Project

CNS experts conduct oral history interviews with participants in the ACRS multilateral meetings in the early 1990s, following the Madrid Conference of 1991.

Cover of OP#56: Russian-Turkish Relations and Implications for U.S. Strategy and Operations

OP#56: Russian-Turkish Relations and Implications for U.S. Strategy and Operations

This study outlines an inventory of measures the U.S. government can take, comprising strategic and operational recommendations.

Dr. Hanna Notte speaking at the Carnegie Nuclear Policy Conference in Washington DC, in a panel addressing the question: “Arms Control in Europe After the Russo-Ukrainian War, Really?”

Arms Control in Europe After the Russo-Ukrainian War, Really?

Dr. Hanna Notte spoke at a Carnegie Nuclear Policy Conference panel in Washington DC, addressing European and Russian views on arms control opportunities.

The Impact of Russia’s Ukraine Invasion in the Middle East and North Africa

CNS expert Hanna Notte testifies on how the war might affect Moscow’s future interests, role and diplomacy in the region.


The Impact of the Ukraine War on Missile Diplomacy in the Middle East

Russian equivocation, U.S. distraction, and Gulf Arab states’ reliance on deterrence and defense will likely undermine prospects for addressing regional missile proliferation through diplomacy.

The Washington Post

Why deterring Russian use of chemical weapons is a challenge

There are limits to what the United States and NATO can threaten.

Vladimir Putin. Photo courtesy Kremlin.ru.

Russia’s novel strategic weapons: staying ahead of the Americans?

Examining public data, declassified intelligence, and commercial satellite imagery, the authors identify drivers behind Russia’s pursuit of weapons systems.

US and Russian flags as one torn flag

End of an Era: The United States, Russia, and Nuclear Nonproliferation

US-Russian cooperation on nuclear nonproliferation: Will shared interests prevail or fall victim to rivalry and mistrust?