Event Reports

Nuclear Comeback Time in Europe?

For arms control to survive, we must focus on what we need, not necessarily what we want.

CNS Continues to Enhance Nonproliferation Education through Undergraduate Internship Program

CNS selected 17 outstanding undergraduate students from around the country out of approximately 130 applicants.

CNS Director William Potter with CNS experts and students

CNS Activities at the 2019 NPT PrepCom

A multitude of CNS experts, students, and alumni participated in the NPT PrepCom.

Day 1 of the 2019 NPT PrepCom

NPT PrepCom 2019: Live CNS Updates

A group of students, young professionals, and CNS staff attend each NPT PrepCom and RevCon as part of the CNS delegation.

Tracy Lyon

Network Analysis of Brokerage Potential at Nonproliferation Treaty Conferences

Video: Seminar with Tracy Lyon, candidate in the Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies and MBA programs at MIIS.

Nuclear missiles locked in ice photo illustration

Options for a Verifiable Freeze on North Korea’s Missile Program

EVENT: Panel Discussion with CNS experts to discuss verification requirements and security benefits associated with each option.

Bruno Tertrais

The Finger on the Button

Video: Seminar with Bruno Tertrais, deputy director at the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique

Group photo of students and instructors

High School Students from Japan, Russia, and the US Tackle Nuclear Dangers

This year, local students of Monterey County joined the CIF forum on nuclear risk reduction and crisis prevention.

Chair of the 2019 NPT Preparatory Committee meeting, Ambassador Syed Hasrin

An NPT Hallmark in Annecy

The diplomatic workshop continues to demonstrate its value as part of the NPT review process.

The Impact of Synthetic Biology and Genome Editing on Biosecurity

Video: Seminar with Dr. Gregory Koblentz