
3D rendering satellite image of middle east at night

OP #54: Implications of Russia’s Activities in the Middle East and North Africa Region for U.S. Strategy and Interests

Russia’s ability to project power into the region remains limited today, and the status quo seems tolerable. But there are risks to U.S. interests in the future.

US and Russian flags as one torn flag

End of an Era: The United States, Russia, and Nuclear Nonproliferation

US-Russian cooperation on nuclear nonproliferation: Will shared interests prevail or fall victim to rivalry and mistrust?

Video of the panel, "The Geneva Summit: Implications for Russian-US Relations"

CNS and CENESS Convene Second Virtual US-Russia Nuclear Dialogue Series

Topics included the strategic stability dialogue process, US-Russian cooperation within the nuclear nonproliferation regime, and regional nonproliferation challenges.

Video of the panel, "The Geneva Summit: Implications for Russian-US Relations"

The Geneva Summit: Implications for Russian-US Relations

Video from a virtual US-Russia nuclear dialogue event with remarks by Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov.

Trident Missile

Nuclear Deterrence and Strategic Stability: A Controversial Symbiosis

VIDEO: The dilemmas of control over nuclear weapons in the 2020s.

Rose Gottemoeller at the negotiations of the New Start Treaty

Negotiating a New Start Treaty

VIDEO: An insiders view of the negotiations of the treaty in 2009-2010.

Participants in Zoom Meeting

Masters Students in Dual Degree Program Defend Theses

Students from Russia, the United States and South Korea presented their final papers as the result of their studies in 2019-2021.

Jerry Brown, Masako Toki, and Bill Potter on Zoom

The Role of Youth as Change Agents for Nuclear Disarmament

VIDEO: High School Students from the US, Japan, and Russia discuss solutions to nuclear threats at the Online Critical Issues Forum Spring Student Conference.

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Today (Photo Credit: Anastasiia Nechytailo, CNS Fellow Spring 2020)

CNS Observed the 35th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Disaster with International Dialogue

CNS commemorated this week with an article in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists and two webinars featuring Ukrainian experts, CNS visiting fellows, and students.

Robert Legvold in front of a microphone

The UC Interview Series: Prof. Robert Legvold

Topics: West-Russia relations, nuclear deterrence, limited nuclear options, and prospects for arms control cooperation.