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The Bomb in College Classrooms

“We’re not teaching students enough about weapons of mass destruction—and it shows,” warns CNS expert Sarah Bidgood.

Civilian HEU: Canada

Canadian HEU policies, progress reducing and eliminating the civil use of HEU in Canada, and remaining challenges.

Nikolai Sokov at the event

The Hague Code of Conduct: Multivector Expansion

At a UN event, Dr. Nikolai Sokov discusses risky but valuable changes to the missile regime.

Civilian HEU: China

Chinese HEU policies, progress reducing and eliminating the civil use of HEU in China, and remaining challenges.

Civilian HEU: France

French HEU policies, progress reducing and eliminating the civil use of HEU in France, and remaining challenges.

North Korea flag on a computer screen

Judge Juche: How North Korean Front Companies Sell Their Software to the World

The global reach of North Korean IT companies challenges those seeking to comply with sanctions on North Korea.

We're hiring

Join the CNS Team

CNS is seeking an Executive Director and a Research Assistant/Office Manager for our Washington, DC office.

Arms Control Association (ACA)

Risky Business: Four Ways to Ease US-Russian Nuclear Tension

The era of traditional U.S.-Russian arms control appears to be ending.

The slide show presentation event

Answering Threats with Threats

Iranian fears of biological weapons may be driving their offensive development.

Additive manufacturing (src: Shutterstock)

WMD Capabilities Enabled by Additive Manufacturing

Developments in 3D printing could spur the spread of chemical and biological weapons and WMD delivery systems.