H5N1 Research Unleashes Unprecedented Dual-Use Research Controversy

Will results provide help to public health experts or future bioterrorists?

CNS NTP Diplomatic Workshop: PrepCom 2012: Progress Towards Implementation of the 2010 Final Document

Government officials from around the world participated in a CNS workshop on the NPT.

CNS Sends Representatives to the 2012 NPT PrepCom; Experts Available for Comment

CNS experts and students will attend the first session of the PrepCom for the 2015 RevCon as observers.

FAQ: 2012 NPT Review Conference Preparatory Committee

CNS has compiled a set of frequently asked questions (FAQ) relating to the PrepCom meeting to be held in Vienna starting April 30, 2012. The Ninth Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is scheduled to be held in 2015, and the first Preparatory Committee meeting of the ninth review […]

Beijing Immersive Module for Nonproliferation Graduate Students

Chinese-speaking MIIS graduate students visited Beijing for meetings on nonproliferation and security.

OPCW Director General Visits Monterey

Director-General emphasizes the benefits of cooperation in the field of education and training with CNS.

Fukushima’s Impact on Japan’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle Policy

One year after the Fukushima disaster, Japan continues to assess its dependency on nuclear energy.

Lack of Budgetary Transparency for US Nuclear Security Spending

The US has never known exactly what it spends on nuclear weapons and related programs.

Lucky Number Seven?

The Biological Weapons Convention Review Conference adopted a document with proposals to strengthen and improve the Convention.

Russian Nuclear Exports to Iran: US Policy Change Needed

Preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons has been a key US concern.