
Chemical Weapons: Syria Military

Minimizing Dangers Posed by Syria’s Military Assets

Testimony of Leonard S. Spector before the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, Committee on Foreign Affairs, US House of Representatives, July 19, 2012.

CNS article

US-Russian Partnership for Advancing a Nuclear Security Agenda

Results of a study on the implementation of sustainable nuclear security measures, constrained by limited expertise and resources.

Calm Before The Storm? Low-Key NPT PrepCom Meeting Avoids Acrimony

Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova June 2012 On May 11, 2012, the Preparatory Committee [PrepCom] for the 2015 Review Conference [RevCon] of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty [NPT] concluded its first two-week session in Vienna under the chairmanship of Ambassador Peter Woolcott of Australia. Uniformly described as smooth and business-like, the 2012 PrepCom meeting accomplished most of its tasks […]

High School Science Challenge Draws Attention of US and Russian Presidents

The program was touted as an example of US-Russian cooperation in the presidential joint statement.

CNS article

Prospects for Nuclear Security Partnership in Southeast Asia

Managing risks due to increased interest in nuclear power.

Nuclear Reactors

Prospects for Nuclear Security Partnership in Southeast Asia

An examination of security implications of nuclear energy development plans.

Inflexible Response

An Ohio congressman ignores Republican colleagues, attempts to micromanage the US nuclear arsenal.

FAQ: 2012 NPT Review Conference Preparatory Committee

CNS has compiled a set of frequently asked questions (FAQ) relating to the PrepCom meeting to be held in Vienna starting April 30, 2012. The Ninth Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is scheduled to be held in 2015, and the first Preparatory Committee meeting of the ninth review […]

Fukushima’s Impact on Japan’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle Policy

One year after the Fukushima disaster, Japan continues to assess its dependency on nuclear energy.

Lack of Budgetary Transparency for US Nuclear Security Spending

The US has never known exactly what it spends on nuclear weapons and related programs.