
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Why the IAEA model may not be best for regulating artificial intelligence

An intense focus is needed to identify possible pathways through which AI could threaten humanity.

BSWN Leadership Team and Associates

Black Sea Women in Nuclear Gather in Tbilisi and Vienna to Advance their Network and Present on DEIA Matters

Last month buzzed with activities for the Black Sea Women in Nuclear Network (BSWN) with two appearances in Tbilisi and Vienna.

Shizuka Kuramitsu

MIIS MANPTS student Shizuka Kuramitsu featured in NHK’s Science & Culture Journal

Originally from Hiroshima, she is about to complete her Master’s degree on Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey.

Tenth Review Conference of Parties to Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

Further Strengthening the NPT Review Process: Reflections and Recommendations

Thomas Markram, CNS, and the VCDNP’s Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova review which aspects of the review process are in greater need of improvement and where changes are most feasible.

Symposium “Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security for Women in STEM in Latin America and the Caribbean”

Apply today. Symposium speakers and panelists include experts in a range of nuclear security and nonproliferation issues, emphasizing the role of women in STEM.

Teleconference screenshot of CIF students and alumni discussing the importance of disarmament education for youth

High School Students Discuss Nuclear Disarmament from Intersectional Approaches

On April 15, 2023, over 120 high school students and teachers gathered online for the Critical Issues Forum Spring Conference.

ChatGPT user interface

Chat GPT and the Future of Nonproliferation

This CNS seminar video reviews ChatGPT’s potential to pose nonproliferation-related challenges and risks, as well as potential utility for research and education.

Kim Jong Un and Putin with Tel equipment faded behind them.

Beyond North Korea: Possible Sources of Small Arms and Light Weapons Exports to Russia in 2022?

Economic and political interests influence supply chains in the Ukraine conflict. Understanding them can help scope out a reshaped political network that could be exploited by North Korea.

three photos one of Sarah Bidgood one of Rose Gottemoeller and one group photo of the panel

Russian Nuclear Weapons In Belarus? A CNS Roundtable Discussion

Discussion on Putin’s announcement that Russia will deploy tactical nuclear warheads to Belarus.

Rose Gottemoeller at a podium with US flag behind

NATO And The Future Of Arms Control And Strategic Stability In Europe

CNS hosted the event with the support of the German and Danish embassies in Washington.