
Seminar photo of Amir Hamzah Mohd Nasir and attendees

Senior Malaysian Diplomat Visits CNS

Mr. Amir Hamzah Mohd Nasir, Assistant Secretary of the Multilateral Security Division of the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs visited CNS during the week of November 13, 2023.

Artificial Intelligence image

AI and Nonproliferation: CNS Experts Lead the Way

CNS is examining the nexus of AI and WMD nonproliferation from several perspectives informed by a core group of staff with deep expertise on a variety of relevant issues.

CNS’ Experts Jean du Preez and Miles Pomper were hosted at the Center for Security, Strategy and Policy Research’s program “InFocus with Ejaz Haider” for a conversation on the future of arms control and nonproliferation in the wake of Russia’s de-ratification of the CTBT and other ongoing events.

InFocus with Ejaz Haider -Ep 23, Nov 8: The Unraveling of Arms Control and Nonproliferation

A conversation on the future of arms control and nonproliferation in the wake of Russia’s de-ratification of the CTBT and other ongoing events.

Hyuk Kim

Strategic Empathy for North Korea: The Intersection of Machine Learning and Nuclear Diplomacy

CNS Research Fellow, Hyuk Kim, provides a unique video seminar for policymakers to reevaluate their policies towards North Korea.

UN Nations NY Inside

Behind the Scenes: How Not to Negotiate an Enhanced NPT Review Process

When more than 100 delegations assembled this summer to review the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), expectations among most diplomats were low.

Donald R. Rothwell

Antipodean Nuclear Free Zones: Testing Times for Antarctica and the South Pacific

A video with speaker Donald R. Rothwell, Professor of International Law, ANU College of Law, Australian National University

María Antonieta Jáquez

The Role of NWFZs and the TPNW Towards Global Nuclear Weapon Elimination

A video with speaker María Antonieta Jáquez Huacuja, Deputy General Director for Disarmament, Non-Proliferation, and Arms Control, Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Affairs.

Foreign Affairs logo

The Age of Great-Power Distraction

Great-power distraction invites considerable long-term risk.

William Potter and Charles Oppenheimer

Oppenheimer on Oppenheimer: A Family Perspective with Charles Oppenheimer and CNS Experts

Charles Oppenheimer is leading the Oppenheimer Project which promotes, advocates, and invests in the values of J. Robert Oppenheimer.

Neil Couch, Director, Office of Verification, Planning, and Outreach; Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance; U.S. Department of State

The Implementation of START, the Moscow Treaty, and New START

What happens after an arms control treaty is signed and ratified, and the hard work of negotiations bears fruit? In short, more hard work.