
Dr. Nicholas Wheeler, Professor of International Relations Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham

Understanding the Emotional Dynamics of Nuclear Crises

How emotional and psychological psychological factors could push leaders toward de-escalating nuclear-tinged crises. 

CNS at the 2025 Munich Security14.02.2025, Munich, MSC2025, Munich Security Conference, Bayerischer Hof | Dachgarten Lounge: MSC 2025 - Conversation on Russia‘s Red Lines Photo: MSC/Lukas Barth-Tuttas Conference

CNS at the 2025 Munich Security Conference

Hanna Notte represented CNS at the 2025 Munich Security Conference, which took place from 14-16 February.

Students with Dr. Potter and Masako Toki in front of the CNS sign outside

Four Middlebury College Students Gain Invaluable Experience on Nonproliferation Issues During the J-Term

CNS hosted Middlebury College students as part of its annual Winter Term Undergraduate Internship Program.

Dr. Adam Stulberg

Putin’s Red Lines: Does He Mean What We Think We Heard?

Watch a video presentation by Dr. Adam Stulberg.

CNS Director Potter Participates in Nobel Peace Prize Activities

CNS Director Potter Participates in Nobel Peace Prize Activities

CNS Director Bill Potter participated in a panel at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum in Oslo, Norway on December 11, 2024.

Haaretz logo

Of Centrifuges and Subterfuges

It’s a forgotten chapter in Israel’s history, now revealed in declassified documents.

1960 Intelligence Report Said Israeli Nuclear Site Was for Weapons

The report stated that Israel’s Dimona nuclear project would include a reprocessing plant for plutonium production and was weapons related.

Event on Nuclear Weapons in Russia-Ukraine War at Middlebury College 

Event on Nuclear Weapons in Russia-Ukraine War at Middlebury College 

CNS engaged the Middlebury community on the nuclear dynamics of the ongoing conflict.

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Rewriting the Rules of Submarine Stealth

Does the landmark AUKUS deal make sense in an age of increased ocean transparency?

Cover for OP64: Nuclear Verification’s Holy Grail: Verifying Nuclear Warheads — a new approach

OP64: Nuclear Verification’s Holy Grail: Verifying Nuclear Warheads — a new approach

This paper presents verification methods, technologies, and measures that may be used to design a verification protocol for any type of warhead stockpile agreement.