
Yersinia pestis, Biological Warfare, and Bioterrorism

How likely is a terrorist to utilize Y. pestis in an attack against a human population?

Occasional Paper #26: Findings from the 2016 Symposium on Export Control of Emerging Biotechnologies

OP#26: Findings from the 2016 Symposium on Export Control of Emerging Biotechnologies

Occasional Paper #26: Sixty experts gathered from 15 countries representing scientific, policy, industry, legal, and enforcement fields.

DNA Structure

Gene Drives: Panacea or Pandora’s Box?

Gene drive systems will be a new biosecurity challenge to face at the BWC Conference.

MENACS delegation at the BWC RevCon

Launch of New Biological Weapons Convention Website

NOVEMBER 7-25, 2016: A CNS project’s new website aims to enhance knowledge and awareness of the biological weapons regime.

US Navy in Full Chemical Protective Gear

Keeping the Biological Weapons Convention Relevant

NOVEMBER 1, 2016: Officials have the opportunity to revise the way in which discussions are planned and held to better protect against biological weapons.

Event: Lessons Learned from Eliminating WMD

The Nonproliferation Review launched its newest volume: a special, double issue on eliminating weapons of mass destruction.

Dr. Chen Kane makes an intervention during the BWC workshop

Toward the 8th BWC Review Conference

JULY 8, 2016: CNS and the US Department of State co-sponsored a workshop on the the Eighth Review Conference of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC).

Cover of "The Soviet Bioweapons Program and Its Legacy"

The Soviet Bioweapons Program and Its Legacy

How Soviet genetic engineering aimed to create super-natural bacterial & viral strains for weapons.

A wide view of the Security Council as Members unanimously adopt resolution 1977 (2011) on 20 April 2011, extending for 10 years the mandate of the 1540 Committee. UN Photo/Devra Berkovitz

Spector Calls on UN Committee to Condemn Violations of WMD Controls

CNS deputy director recommends taking steps that could trigger sanctions for states that undermine the resolution.

Six Visiting Fellows Complete Nonproliferation Training

Fellows from all over the world worked in an intensive nonproliferation training program specifically tailored to the Visiting Fellows Program.