Dec 1: Discussion, the attempt to control drone use and potential conflicts with privacy rights, property rights in California.
Occasional Paper #20: This study recommends action to prevent nuclear smuggling to Iran, North Korea, and other countries seeking nuclear weapons.
CNS convenes an informal diplomatic debate on the key disarmament and nonproliferation issues to help prepare the groundwork for the 2015 NPT Review Conference.
CNS partnered with Indonesia to host the sixth informal “Disarmament Dialogue” among like-minded states.
Report: New energy policies need to set a good example in terms of safeguards, transparency and restraint.
The Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), spoke at the semester-long simulation course.
October 9: Lecture by Crystal Pryor on the strategy of strategic trade controls: balancing economics, security, and politics.
CNS and VCDNP experts review main issues facing the 2014 IAEA General Conference.
32 diplomats from 22 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean participated in the course.
This week’s NATO summit may mark a turning point away from US-Russian arms control and could lead to a renewed emphasis on nuclear weapons.