
Radiological and Nuclear Security Tutorial

New Mobile-Friendly Tutorial on Nuclear & Radiological Security

A new mobile-friendly online tutorial on the risks posed by nuclear and radiological terrorism.

Open Source Berkeley Workshop

CNS Produces Workshop on Open Source Analysis for UC Berkeley

Instructors Jeffrey Lewis and Melissa Hanham focused on technical solutions.

Proliferation Finance

Countering Proliferation Finance: Understanding the Essentials

Webinar focusing on the nexus between nonproliferation and the financial sector.

Chilean Deputy Foreign Minister Edgardo Riveros and CNS Director Dr. William Potter.

CNS Director Awarded Highest Honor by the Government of Chile

The award, in recognition of his work in the field of disarmament and nonproliferation education, is the highest honor conferred on non-Chileans.

Twitter network diagram showing discussion during NPT Preparatory Committee meeting

New Tools For Nonproliferation and Disarmament Research and Teaching

CNS pioneers use of open source information and modeling to revolutionize nonproliferation and disarmament research and education.

NPT Symposium: Fresh Ideas for the Future

Scholars with “Fresh Ideas” on the NPT are invited to submit proposals to a symposium jointly hosted by CNS, the Netherlands, UNODA, and Harvard’s Belfer Center.

Russian Nonproliferation in the Middle East

Russian Nonproliferation in the Middle East: Motives, Rhetoric, and Action

Dec. 3: Seminar presented by Lily Vaccaro discusses the results of her honors thesis research.

Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Failture

Is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Failing? Could it?

Featured Speaker: Ambassador Susan Burk, Former Special Representative of the U.S. President for Nuclear Nonproliferation

Museum of the Great Patriotic War Kiev Ukraine Sep 2013. (Src: Calflier001, Wikimedia Commons)

The “Return” of Nuclear Weapons

Nikolai Sokov spells out three ways that nuclear weapons feature in the Ukraine crisis.

Iran Nuclear Negotiations

Congress Needs to Step Up and Support Iran Nuclear Negotiations

Find out what’s in play and at stake if an eleventh hour comprehensive nuclear agreement isn’t reached next week.