
ecretary Kerry Meets With Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif in Paris to Continue Nuclear Program

The Science behind the Iranian Nuclear Deal

If a final Iran nuclear deal adheres to key parameters for Iran’s uranium and plutonium capability, it could herald a new era of international cooperation.

2015 NPT Twitter Feed

Follow tweets of the Ninth Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)

Decreasing the Risk of Iran Developing Nuclear Weapons

Decreasing the Risk of Iran Developing Nuclear Weapons

Video lecture with Dr. Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress on March 26, 2015

Putin and Erdogan

Russia Becomes the Middle East’s Preferred but Flawed Nuclear Partner

With little notice, Russia is on the verge of becoming the nuclear Wal-Mart of the Middle East.

Miles Pomper

Syria Agrees to Return Highly Enriched Uranium to China

Miles Pomper comments in Al-Monitor on Syria’s decision to repatriate highly enriched uranium to China.

2014 NPT PrepCom

2015 NPT Review Conference Resources

Resources including Action Plan Monitoring report, Briefing Book, factsheet, and analysis.

Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida Congratulates CIF participants

Student Conference Held in Hiroshima for 70th Anniversary

American and Russian High School Students Joined Japanese Students in Hiroshima for Nuclear Disarmament Conference

Seoul's Namdaemun gate at night. Image courtesy of WikiCommons.

How South Korea Can Take Advantage of Nuclear Cooperation with the United States

Seoul needs to bolster its cadre of technical policy experts in order to take full advantage of the new US-ROK nuclear cooperation agreement.

The construction site near Dinoma in the Negev desert for Israel's then-secret nuclear reactor were taken during the last months of 1960. [ Src: http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/nukevault/ebb510/ ]

The US Discovery of Israel’s Dimona Complex

Israeli cover stories about the Dimona Complex Reactor dismayed US officials who saw a “clearly apparent lack of candor.”

2015 NPT Monitoring Report

2015 NPT Monitoring Report – Disarmament

Implementation of the conclusions & recommendations adopted at the 2010 NPT Review Conference Disarmament – Actions 1-22