
UN Nations NY Inside

(Final) Preparations for the Tenth NPT Review Conference

Delegates to the 10th NPT Review Conference had the opportunity to interact with each other and with representatives from civil society on a number of key issues related to the Conference and its outcome.

NPT Briefing Book 2022

NPT Briefing Book 2022 Now Available

This book is a reference guide containing documents related to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and its review process.

North Korean woman in a hospital bed

OP #53: Public-health Engagement with North Korea in the COVID-19 Era

A new program of humanitarian aid will be needed to permit a safe reopening, and potentially also to address the human consequences of the protracted closure.

NATO's new headquarters in Brussels Belgium

NATO’s Nuclear Deterrent Gets a Reprieve—for Now

The Strategic Stability Dialogue appears to be off to a promising start, and hopes are high that the talks will lead to formal negotiations for a successor to the newly extended New START treaty.

Launch of a U.S. Air Force Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile

How the Biden Administration Can Restore the Balance in Nuclear Policy

Nuclear policy-makers must find the balance between deterrence and nonproliferation interests.

Cold War era ICBM (Src: Shutterstock)

Clear the Nuclear Landscape of Impediments to Weapons Control

Examining the role of various weapon systems and nuclear forces in destabilizing and addressing nuclear deterrence.

Cargo ship on the ocean

Maritime Sanctions: Tips for Due Diligence

The world of due diligence in the maritime space has increasingly become the front
line in tackling sanctions evasion.

Dr Potter with participants

Setting the Tone for the 10th NPT Review Conference: A Working Lunch in New York

CNS organized, in consultation with the President-designate of the 10th Review Conference and the Office of Disarmament Affairs, a high-level consultative working lunch.

Katy Donnelly

A Fireside Chat with a New Zealand Diplomat

VIDEO: New Zealand’s Disarmament Strategy Narrative 2020-2022, contributing to a positive outcome of the NPT Review Conference namely through the New Agenda Coalition.

Zoom meeting screen of participants

High-Level Officials/Experts Discuss Nonproliferation at CNS’s International Advisory Council Meeting

The meeting was characterized by a common recognition of the vital role CNS plays in mitigating global proliferation threats.