New Tools & Emerging Technologies

Iran Preparing for Possible Rocket Launch

Satellite analysis indicates an imminent test by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Google Earth image

North Korea Announces Rocket Launch February 8-25

North Korea’s peaceful space launch activities do double duty for its military program.

UN High Representative Kim Won-soo with CNS Director William Potter

UN High Representative Kim Won-soo on Global Threats and Challenges

From North Korea to the Middle East, the senior UN official gave an overarching view of the contemporary security environment.

New High Resolution B-Roll of North Korea Sites & Missiles

High resolution B-roll footage of North Korean nuclear sites and missiles is available for use by broadcast journalists, policy makers, and analysts.

Industrial Development and Dual-Use Capabilities

Industrial Development and Dual-Use Capabilities in Southeast Asia

CNS hosted a roundtable discussion in Jakarta identifying the prevalence of new dual-use commodities.

Satellite Overview of the Pyongsan Uranium Mine and Uranium Concentration Plant. Image includes material Pleiades © CNES 2015. Distribution Airbus DS / Spot Image, all rights reserved. For media licensing options, please contact

North Korea Increases Uranium Production

Closer scrutiny of North Korea’s uranium resources may help arrive at more accurate estimates of their nuclear weapon stockpile and capability.

North Korea Bioweapons Program

North Korea’s Bioweapons Program

Analysis of images of the Pyongyang Bio-technical Institute reveals North Korea can produce regular, military-sized batches of biological weapons, specifically anthrax.

2015 NPT Twitter Feed

Follow tweets of the Ninth Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)

Open Source Berkeley Workshop

CNS Produces Workshop on Open Source Analysis for UC Berkeley

Instructors Jeffrey Lewis and Melissa Hanham focused on technical solutions.

Twitter network diagram showing discussion during NPT Preparatory Committee meeting

New Tools For Nonproliferation and Disarmament Research and Teaching

CNS pioneers use of open source information and modeling to revolutionize nonproliferation and disarmament research and education.