
: CIF students and teacher with Dr. Lassina Zerbo and other CTBTO Youth members at the “Advocacy Tombola” session. Photo credit: CTBTO.

Critical Issues Forum at the CTBTO Science and Technology Conference in Vienna

Students engaged with policy experts, high-ranking officials, and science and technical experts in nuclear-test monitoring.

Flag of North Korea

Sanctions Against North Korea Consistently Fail. Why?

North Korea has been seeking to develop long-range missile technology for over 20 years.

Flag of North Korea

How North Korea Evades Sanctions in Southeast Asia: The Malaysia Case

Two companies with links to Pyongyang and Malaysia reveal how North Korea can skirt international restrictions.


MIIS Alumna Presides Over Negotiation of Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty

MIIS alumna Ambassador Elayne Whyte Gomez facilitated the adoption of a treaty banning nuclear weapons.

Dr Potter Lecture on US Soviet Cooperation for Nonproliferation

US-Soviet Cooperation for Nonproliferation: Lessons for Today

VIDEO: Dr. William Potter, Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar Professor of Nonproliferation Studies and CNS Founding Director.

Siegfried Hecker

US-Russia Nuclear Relations

VIDEO: Siegfried Hecker on the evolution of Cold War nuclear relations going from confrontation to limited cooperation.

OP#28: A Geospatial Crowd-Sourcing Platform for WMD Verification

OP#28: A Geospatial Crowd-Sourcing Platform for WMD Verification

Occasional Paper #28: Geo4nonpro is a web-based platform for public viewing and annotating satellite imagery.

“Stress Testing” the Draft Convention on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

A CNS workshop examined key provisions of the draft nuclear-weapon ban treaty to identify potential problems and seek possible solutions.

Between the Shield and the Sword

Between the Shield and the Sword

VIDEO: NATO’s overlooked missile defense dilemma. Seminar with Dr. Tytti Erästö.

CNS Summer Nonproliferation Program Attracts Top-Level Undergraduates

Top-level undergraduate interns work and study at CNS this summer, focusing on current challenges to the nonproliferation regime.