CNS hosted a working lunch for representatives from over 30 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) State parties.
From that moment forward, all other CNS OSINT work in the office screeched to a halt. This night was the first time my work was in response to a real time crisis.
Grand Prize winner: “The Smiling Buddha effect: Canadian and US policy after India’s 1974 nuclear test”
Explores challenges women in the nonproliferation field still face and how mentorship and educational opportunities can break some barriers.
CNS is seeking to build a database of current, global practices using the resulting information gathered through this survey.
Nelly Porseva was one of only four winners from over 10,000 applicants who proposed solutions in the fields of technology, mental health, teaching, and sustainability.
Dr. Bajema visits historic and current US nuclear weapon complex sites to engage the public in nuclear risk reduction, nonproliferation and disarmament.
Only a handful of “Generation Z” have a solid understanding of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. The field could do more to inspire young people to secure a peaceful future.
A joint effort between CNS and the Los Alamos National Laboratory culminated in the establishment of a professional network for women working in nuclear fields in the Black Sea region.
My CNS colleagues and I wish you a peaceful and joyous New Year.