
Bill Potter and Senator Nunn

CNS International Advisory Council Focuses on US-Russia Relations

This meeting invariably stimulates a lively and informed exchange of views across a range of topics. This year was no exception.

Generic News Logo Foreign Policy

Trump’s Punk Rock Nuclear Policy

The only reason to pull out of the INF Treaty is to give a middle finger to the world.

Peacemaker SS-17

The Presidential Nuclear Initiatives, 1991-1992

An assessment of past performance and future relevance

War on the Rocks

The Good Old Days of the Cold War: US–Soviet Cooperation on Nonproliferation

Emphasis given to nonproliferation enabled cooperation during some of the most frigid moments of the Cold War.

2018 US Russia Workshop

CNS Hosts High-Level US–Russia Workshop on Nonproliferation and Disarmament

A meeting was held with US and Russian nonproliferation experts to encourage potential future dialogue between the two countries.

Former Defense Secretary William Perry was one of the guests at he James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey on Tuesday. (Eduardo M. Fujii/CNS)

Former Defense Secretary William Perry Sounds Warning at MIIS Workshop

The danger today is the two countries would accidentally start a nuclear war because no one is talking to the other.

Once and Future Partners: The US, Russia, and Nuclear Non-proliferation book cover

Once and Future Partners: The US, Russia, and Nuclear Non-proliferation

Despite their Cold War rivalry, the US and the Soviet Union frequently engaged in joint efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

The National Interest logo

The Putin-Trump Summit: In Helsinki, Three Worldviews Will Clash

The West’s clash with Russia is a preview of the conflicts that will arise in the coming decades.

US Russia Flags

An Agenda for Two Presidents

A joint article by the directors of CNS and CENESS on the upcoming Russia–US summit.

Conference attendees

American and Russian Experts Discuss Security Challenges on the Korean Peninsula Ahead of Trump–Kim Summit in Singapore

The two-day dialogue focused on practical steps to address the DPRK nuclear program as a whole.