
The Wall Street Journal

The Perils of Premature Negotiation Over Ukraine

Peace talks with Russia are pointless unless Putin gives up his ambition to push the U.S. and NATO from Eastern Europe.

Report cover image of crates with radiological materials inside. : Experts from the National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities of the Republic of Moldova (NARNRA) verify the submitted inventory of sources at the JSC Moldova Steel Works in November 2014

OP#57: Radiological Security in Contested Territories

One of the few success stories in the elimination of radioactive sources from a contested territory is the Republic of Moldova’s removal of approximately 2,700 disused radioactive materials from the breakaway region of Transdniestria.

Cover page of the report titled: "An Oral History of the Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) Working Group". The cover features a group photo of the ACRS Working Group participants from April 1995 and lists the report title and names of the two authors, Dr. Chen Kane and Dr. Hanna Notte.

An Oral History of the Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) Working Group

The report contains a comprehensive account of the ACRS Working Group meetings during the 1990s.

Image of shipping containers.

CNS DC Hosts Officials from Latin America and Southeast Asia for 2022 Export Control Fellowship Program

The program provided opportunities for government officials working on trade control-related areas to engage in intensive academic studies.

United Nations General Assembly hall in New York City. (Src: Patrick Gruban, Wikimedia Commons)

What UN Voting Reveals about North Korean Nuclear Issues

Data analysis suggests grounds for pessimism over convergence among all the parties.

Buildings with trees and fields behind them

Hinge Points: An Inside Look at North Korea’s Nuclear Program

Between 2004 and 2010, Dr. Siegfried Hecker, made seven trips to North Korea exploring ways to reduce the danger of Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons program.

CNS sponsored CNS graduate research assistant and MANPTS ’23 candidate Adeline du Crest

CNS-sponsored Adeline du Crest attends Red Horizon negotiation exercise

This 70-participant immersive crisis negotiation experience was hosted by the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University.

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Why the world must protect nuclear reactors from military attacks. Now.

While Russia’s actions at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant have received condemnation, its attacks on reactors and nuclear facilities may not be illegal given the fact that no international agreement specifically addresses the issue.

Online video conference with participants

Securing Innovation Event Series

CNS’s case studies on dual-uses in genetic editing, artificial intelligence, and additive manufacturing were presented to industry and government representatives on gaps in regulations with experts from Kenya and Nigeria.

Four participants on a video call

Arms Control and Regional Security Oral History Project

CNS experts conduct oral history interviews with participants in the ACRS multilateral meetings in the early 1990s, following the Madrid Conference of 1991.