William Potter’s Articles

An Oral History of the Nunn-Lugar Program

Kazakhstan hosts a three-day conference to discuss cooperative efforts to secure and eliminate WMDs.

MIIS and Chile’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sign MOU

The parties signed the Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation, particularly in nonproliferation and disarmament areas.

Des Browne, Rose Gottemoeller, Bill Potter

CNS 25th Anniversary Celebration in Washington, DC

Over 130 alumni and friends gathered to celebrate the first quarter century of the Center, at a gala reception on March 25, 2015.

NPT Review Conference: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon

Coalitions to Watch at the 2015 NPT Review Conference

CNS experts discuss how cross-regional coalitions might influence the 2015 NPT Review Conference.

Chilean Deputy Foreign Minister Edgardo Riveros and CNS Director Dr. William Potter.

CNS Director Awarded Highest Honor by the Government of Chile

The award, in recognition of his work in the field of disarmament and nonproliferation education, is the highest honor conferred on non-Chileans.

United Nations Headquarters in New York.

NPT Symposium: Fresh Ideas for the Future

Scholars with “Fresh Ideas” on the NPT are invited to submit proposals to a symposium jointly hosted by CNS, the Netherlands, UNODA, and Harvard’s Belfer Center.

PIR Center Director V. Orlov, MGIMO Rector A. Torkunov, and MIIS Professor A. Vassilieva at MOU Signing Ceremony

MIIS Signs MOU for Academic Cooperation with Premier Russian University

The program will include faculty drawn from researchers affiliated with CNS at MIIS and the PIR Center in Moscow.

Dr. Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO)

Head of CTBTO visits Monterey, Engages Students and Experts

Dr. Lassina Zerbo’s September visit includes an ArmsControlWonk.com podcast recording, available for download.

Nuclear Implications of the Ukraine Crisis

Possible implications for the 2014 NPT PrepCom.

President Barack Obama Wikimedia Commons

Advancing Nuclear Disarmament: The US Role

While impediments to a more assertive US role are immense, progress could be achieved with astute and bold leadership.