Sarah Bidgood Articles

Generic News Logo Foreign Policy

A New Nuclear Arms Race Is a Real Possibility

History suggests the war in Ukraine could put an end to arms control as we know it.

US and Russian flags as one torn flag

End of an Era: The United States, Russia, and Nuclear Nonproliferation

US-Russian cooperation on nuclear nonproliferation: Will shared interests prevail or fall victim to rivalry and mistrust?

Video of the panel, "The Geneva Summit: Implications for Russian-US Relations"

CNS and CENESS Convene Second Virtual US-Russia Nuclear Dialogue Series

Topics included the strategic stability dialogue process, US-Russian cooperation within the nuclear nonproliferation regime, and regional nonproliferation challenges.

CNS Seminar video, "Warfare is In Your Genes: What the Biden Administration Should Do About It"

Warfare is In Your Genes: What the Biden Administration Should Do About It

CNS seminar video featuring former Secretary of Defense William Perry, former Governor of California Jerry Brown, and CNS expert Sarah Bidgood.

NATO-Russia Crisis Brief cover

Reducing Tension in Russia–NATO Relations

Options to improve stability and reduce the risks of conflict and escalation in Europe.

Sarah Bidgood

Russian–US Strategic Stability Talks

Where they are and where they should go.

International Security

Death Dust

The little-known story of US and Soviet pursuit of radiological weapons.

Putin’s Novel Delivery Systems

WEBINAR: Analyzing Russian military innovation.

The CTBT and the 2020 NPT Review Cycle

The CTBT and the 2020 NPT Review Cycle

Sarah Bidgood in the CTBTO Spectrum magazine

White in Red with a video play button

Potential for an Arms Control Treaty with Russia

VIDEO: with CNS expert, Sarah Bidgood.