
Removing Risk: Replacing High-Risk Radiological Sources with Alternatives

By examining the potential for replacing high-risk radiological material, a road map can be drawn and used to increase nuclear security and prevent nuclear terrorism.

Elena Sokova

Executive Director (Vienna)

Radiological and Nuclear Security Tutorial

Online CBRN Awareness Training – Five Lessons Learned

We learned five lessons through the “Project 10” course on chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats.

Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Israel can live with the Iranian nuclear deal, can Netanyahu?

Israel can live with — and even benefit from– the Iranian nuclear deal. Can Netanyahu?

Understanding the Fuel Cycle in the Iran Agreement

CNS’s scientist-in-residence discusses the ways the Iran deal closes all possible routes to the bomb.

Replacing High-Risk Radioactive Sources

OP#23: Replacing High-Risk Radiological Materials

Occasional Paper #23: CNS researchers offer governments a roadmap to replace high-risk radioactive sources with non-isotopic alternatives.

Heading Off an Even Bigger Problem in Iran

Heading Off an Even Bigger Problem in Iran

The deal may not be ideal, but when viewed in historical and hypothetical context, it is incredibly strong.

Iran Deal Buys Time: John Kerry and Wendy Sherman

Iran Deal Buys Time: Now America’s Real Work Begins

The Iran deal is merely a first step toward a long-term process of managing the nuclear risks it poses.

Rose Gottemoeller: Officials Praise MIIS at 2015 Carnegie Conference

High Ranking Officials Praise MIIS at 2015 Carnegie Conference

Statements by Rose Gottemoeller, US undersecretary of state for arms control & Lassina Zerbo, executive secretary of the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty

The Science Behind the Deal

The Science Behind the Deal

The P5+1 needs to be assured that even if Iran expels inspectors and enriches enough uranium for a bomb, there is time for a sufficient response to be organized.