
Flag of North Korea

Kim Jong Un’s Quest for an ICBM

North Korea has at least four paths to a working ICBM, and they suggest a country that will likely succeed before too long.

Israel’s Secret Plan to Nuke the Egyptian Desert

In May 1967, facing an unprecedented existential threat from Egypt and its other neighbors, Israel drew up a plan to detonate nukes in the Egyptian desert in a massive demonstration of power.

North Korean WMD: A Guide to Online Resources

North Korean WMD: A Guide to Online Resources

Find the best online resources that are up-to-date or are older materials of importance, written in English.

The Location of America’s Nuclear Submarines Isn’t Really a Secret

The Location of America’s Nuclear Submarines Isn’t Really a Secret

Donald Trump’s mistake wasn’t lack of discretion. It was being too clever by half.

Elena Sokova, CNS Deputy Director

Nuclear Transparency Measures

Deputy Director Elena Sokova discusses US-Russian information exchanges on a CSIS podcast.

Michael Duitsman

Research Associate

CTBTO Youth Group presentation

CTBTO Youth Group Presentation Well-Received at NPT PrepCom

On May 4th, Monterey-based CTBTO Youth Group members presented their research on elevating the profile of the CTBT in the NPT context.

CIF student participants with Dr. Lassina Zerbo, the Executive Secretary of the CTBTO

CTBTO’s Dr. Lassina Zerbo Spoke at CIF Spring Student Conference in Nagasaki

US, Russian and Japanese high school students met to discuss the nuclear test ban treaty, a world free of nuclear weapons, and youth education.

North Korea Nuclear / Radiological

Have North Korea’s Missile Tests Paid Off?

North Korea’s missile tests may eventually result in a deployable ICBM.

Is the United States Really Blowing Up North Korea’s Missiles?

The failures of North Korea’s missile launches are not the result of hacking.