July 25, 2017
William Potter

Ralph Regula
I first met Congressman Ralph Regula and his wonderful wife, Mary, over two decades ago at a meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Copenhagen, Demark. Those were the days when Republicans and Democrats actually worked closely together on many issues, including foreign and defense policy. Still, it was unusual for a Republican congressman from Ohio to take great interest in the research and training work of a nonproliferation center in California, and one long-represented in Congress by Democrats. But then, Ralph was not your ordinary politician.
He was a former educator and country lawyer, drove his red truck around DC as if he were on his farm near Navarre, Ohio, and dispensed wisdom effortlessly to his many friends on both sides of the aisle while serving thirty-six years in the US Congress. No one in Congress took a greater interest in the work of CNS or did more to assist its growth and sustainability.
Ralph retired from office in 2009, increasingly frustrated by partisan politics and politicians who failed to appreciate the necessity of compromise. Anna and I were honored to count him and Mary as our friends. His passing at the age of 92 is a national loss, and his decency, foresight, and commitment to inclusive politics will long be remembered.
Dr. William C. Potter
CNS Founding Director