
A Unilateral, Reciprocal Post-INF Cool Down

The time may be right to take a cue from the 1991 Presidential Nuclear Initiatives.

NK News

Judge Juche 2: North Korean (Mis)adventures in Uganda

We look at a failed construction project, attempts at insurance fraud, and the four lawsuits that resulted when everything went wrong.

Saudi Arabia Briefing

Saudi Arabia’s Suspect Missile Site and the Saudi Nuclear Program

A briefing on Middle East security dynamics, the motivations behind the Saudi nuclear program, and its effects on US foreign policy.

Group talking around a table.

Doomed to Cooperate: A US-Russian Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Story

Lab-to-Lab Home The Book Timeline Authors The Human Dimension e-Archive About Home Joint Verification Experiment Science Collaboration Nuclear Materials Nuclear Weapons Nuclear Experts What’s New Welcome to the website dedicated to the US-Russian lab-to-lab cooperation! This web site documents the collaboration between the nuclear weapons laboratories of the U.S. and Russia after the end of […]

CIF Spring 2018

Critical Issues Forum 2019 in Monterey

US, Japanese, Russian high school students confront nuclear risk and crisis prevention.

Grace Liu

What Happens Next in US-DPRK Relations

If there is no room for compromise, the US must acknowledge that a deal cannot be reached at this time.

NK News

Judge Juche: How Russian Courts Penalize North Korean Cash Smuggling

The legal (mis)adventures of North Korean entities and individuals overseas.

Jean du Preez

Program Director for Education and Training

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

The “Dirty Bomb” on Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan Is Not Very Accurate

CNS expert speaks out about technical inaccuracies that have the potential to impact the public.

The INF Treaty Crisis: Filling the Void with European Leadership

In a post-INF world, who will agree to talk to Russia, and with whom will Russia agree to talk?