Jeffrey Lewis’s Articles

Donald Trump Is an Idiot Savant on Nuclear Policy

The Republican frontrunner has stumbled across the US military’s biggest secret: it has no idea what it’s doing with its nuclear arsenal.

Iran Preparing for Possible Rocket Launch

Satellite analysis indicates an imminent test by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Kwangmyongsong missile

Are You Scared About North Korea’s Thermonuclear ICBM?

Jeffrey Lewis offers a self-dubbed “wildly unpopular plan” to counter Pyongyang’s missile program.

Google Earth image

North Korea Announces Rocket Launch February 8-25

North Korea’s peaceful space launch activities do double duty for its military program.


Video Analysis of North Korean Missile Test

The media show interest as CNS experts analysis of North Korea’s missile test video was found to be manipulated and the test itself a failure.

Putin’s Doomsday Machine

The very real and very scary details of the nuclear drone Russia wants to build—and how the US should respond.

Assessing the Iran Nuclear Deal with Sam Farr

Assessing the Iran Nuclear Deal: A Conversation with Congressman Sam Farr

CNS and MIIS hosted a conversation with Congressman Sam Farr on the Iran nuclear deal on Monday, August 31.

Satellite Overview of the Pyongsan Uranium Mine and Uranium Concentration Plant. Image includes material Pleiades © CNES 2015. Distribution Airbus DS / Spot Image, all rights reserved. For media licensing options, please contact

North Korea Increases Uranium Production

Closer scrutiny of North Korea’s uranium resources may help arrive at more accurate estimates of their nuclear weapon stockpile and capability.

Magical Thinking and the Real Power of Hiroshima

The 70th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing is a big moment to take stock of where we are, how we’ve gotten here, and where we’re headed.

Heading Off an Even Bigger Problem in Iran

Heading Off an Even Bigger Problem in Iran

The deal may not be ideal, but when viewed in historical and hypothetical context, it is incredibly strong.