Jeffrey Lewis’s Articles

CNS article

If Trump Kills the Iran Deal, He May Give the World Another Rocket Man

There is every chance that the story ends in precisely the same way, with yet another nuclear state hostile to the United States.

CNS article

Why Donald Trump Wants His Nukes to Be Smaller

Be wary of tiny nukes in tiny hands.

Melissa Hanham on PBS NewsHour

Technical and Political Insights into North Korea

Warring words, nuclear tests, and increased missile capabilities: CNS experts on the developments and implications.

Flag of Iran (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Trump’s Next Self-Inflicted Crisis Is a Nuclear Iran

If the president kills the nuclear deal, the backlash will come sooner than he thinks.

Donald Trump August 19, 2015 (Credit: Michael Vadon, Wikimedia Commons)

I’m a Nuclear Weapons Expert. Trump’s Presidency is My Personal Nightmare.

We’ve relied on mutually assured destruction to protect us from all-out nuclear war. It’s always been a fragile peace.

OP#28: A Geospatial Crowd-Sourcing Platform for WMD Verification

OP#28: A Geospatial Crowd-Sourcing Platform for WMD Verification

Occasional Paper #28: Geo4nonpro is a web-based platform for public viewing and annotating satellite imagery.

Flag of North Korea

Kim Jong Un’s Quest for an ICBM

North Korea has at least four paths to a working ICBM, and they suggest a country that will likely succeed before too long.

The Location of America’s Nuclear Submarines Isn’t Really a Secret

The Location of America’s Nuclear Submarines Isn’t Really a Secret

Donald Trump’s mistake wasn’t lack of discretion. It was being too clever by half.

Is the United States Really Blowing Up North Korea’s Missiles?

The failures of North Korea’s missile launches are not the result of hacking.

Rex Tillerson

Rex Tillerson’s ‘New Approach’ to North Korea Sounds a lot like the Old Approach

North Korea’s advancing nuclear and missile program may require a policy change that includes more than just sanctions.