Chen Kane Articles

Putin and Erdogan

Russia Becomes the Middle East’s Preferred but Flawed Nuclear Partner

With little notice, Russia is on the verge of becoming the nuclear Wal-Mart of the Middle East.

Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria. (Photo: D. Calma/IAEA)

Safeguards and Middle East Issues Signal Contention at the 2014 IAEA General Conference

CNS and VCDNP experts review main issues facing the 2014 IAEA General Conference.

Middle East Next Generation Network Website Launched

CNS launches new website to promote nonproliferation expertise and engagement in the Middle East.

Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP)

Experts Provide Insights on 2013 International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) General Conference

Experts prepared Fact Sheets on the issues facing member states.

President Barack Obama Wikimedia Commons

Critical Questions: Urgent Decisions for the Second Obama Administration

CNS experts propose nonproliferation and disarmament priorities.

Expert Insights: 2012 International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) General Conference

In the lead up to the 2012 General Conference, CNS and VCDNP have prepared a series of Fact Sheets on the on-going issues facing IAEA member states.

FAQ: The 2012 Middle East Conference

MAY 8, 2012: Q&A with CNS experts, Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova and Chen Kane.

Nuclear Weapons, Fissile Material, and Export Controls in the Former Soviet Union

Jon Brook Wolfsthal Cristina Chuen Emily Ewell Daughtry June 18, 2001 Status Report On June 18, 2001 the sixth edition of the joint Monterey Institute-Carnegie Endowment Nuclear Status Report was released at the Carnegie Endowment’s Nonproliferation Conference in Washington, DC. This report is the most complete single source of information on Russia’s nuclear arsenal and stockpile, the […]