United States

Caucasian hand holding iPhone against white background

Coping with a “Coup” through Memes

What does a digital response to a national security crisis look like?

William C. Potter and Anton Khlopkov on CENESS panels (Src: CENESS)

Can Shared US–Russian Interests Lead to Joint Action?

William C. Potter and Anton Khlopkov in Kommersant.

2021 storming of the United States Capitol (Src: Tyler Merbler, Wikimedia Commons)

CNS Director’s Statement on January 6th Events

We must not be complacent in the face of existential threats of which, regrettably, the number is growing.

Generic News Logo Foreign Policy

Mike Pompeo Is Trying to Bluff His Way to a Legacy

Even insurrection didn’t interrupt a tour de force of Twitter bragging.

Photo of Bill Potter smiling behind a mic overlapping a photo of a panel discussion

Bill Potter on Prospects for US-Russia Cooperation under Biden

VIDEO: A video call with the International Luxembourg Forum

NATO-Russia Crisis Brief cover

Reducing Tension in Russia–NATO Relations

Options to improve stability and reduce the risks of conflict and escalation in Europe.

Russian and US Flags Video

Shared Priorities and Prospects for US-Russia Nuclear Engagement

Video from a virtual dialogue on US-Russian cooperation on nuclear nonproliferation and arms control, with remarks by Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov.

Meeting with Israel and US officials

Duplicity and Self-Deception: Israel, the United States, and the Dimona Inspections

Avner Cohen’s new publication for the Nuclear Vault.

Sarah Bidgood

Russian–US Strategic Stability Talks

Where they are and where they should go.

International Security

Death Dust

The little-known story of US and Soviet pursuit of radiological weapons.