
CNS’ Experts Jean du Preez and Miles Pomper were hosted at the Center for Security, Strategy and Policy Research’s program “InFocus with Ejaz Haider” for a conversation on the future of arms control and nonproliferation in the wake of Russia’s de-ratification of the CTBT and other ongoing events.

InFocus with Ejaz Haider -Ep 23, Nov 8: The Unraveling of Arms Control and Nonproliferation

A conversation on the future of arms control and nonproliferation in the wake of Russia’s de-ratification of the CTBT and other ongoing events.

The New York Times

Putin Is Getting What He Wants

Russia stands to gain from a protracted conflict. Events in Gaza are distracting Western policymakers and publics from the war in Ukraine.

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Where Does Russia Stand on the Israel-Hamas War?

Moscow may temporarily profit from the West’s focus on the Middle East, but navigating its ties in the region will be tricky.

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What Role Does Russia Have to Play in Hamas’s Invasion of Israel? Q&A with Expert Hanna Notte

Notte: It’s a big stretch to say Russia would endorse Hamas’s bloody assault and risk outright disruption in relations with Israel and with the Gulf states.

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The Age of Great-Power Distraction

Great-power distraction invites considerable long-term risk.

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Russia’s Axis of the Sanctioned

Moscow Is Bringing Washington’s Enemies Together

Neil Couch, Director, Office of Verification, Planning, and Outreach; Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance; U.S. Department of State

The Implementation of START, the Moscow Treaty, and New START

What happens after an arms control treaty is signed and ratified, and the hard work of negotiations bears fruit? In short, more hard work.


The New Authoritarian Axis: Russian Relations with North Korea and Iran

PODCAST: Assessing the significance of Russia’s increasingly close relationships with Pyongyang and Tehran for U.S. national security.

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How Russia Globalized the War in Ukraine

The Kremlin’s Pressure-Point Strategy to Undermine the West

War on the Rocks

The West Cannot Cure Russia’s Nuclear Fever

Short of curing the fever, the United States and Europe can still take steps to lower the temperature.