
Russian President Vladimir Putin

Containing Global Russia

Contending with Russia’s efforts to upend the international order and to advance its own integration projects will be very difficult.

William Potter, Sarah Bidgood, and Hanna Notte

Death Dust: The Rise, Decline, and Future of Radiological Weapons Programs – CISAC Stanford

Death Dust explores the largely unknown history of the rise and demise of RW—sometimes portrayed as a “poor man’s nuclear weapon”—through a series of comparative case studies across the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, Egypt, and Iraq.

Foreign Affairs logo

Russia’s Dangerous New Friends

Article on Russia’s relationship with the axis of resistance, to balance ties with Arab countries, including Israel, its encouragement of anti-American activities among Iran-backed groups, and the U.S. challenge to counteract by addressing conflicts and disrupting the partnership between Russia and the axis.

Hanna Notte

Russia, the Global South, and Multilateral Nuclear Diplomacy After the Invasion of Ukraine

The seminar focuses on a recently concluded study on the impact of the Russo-Ukrainian war on the international nuclear negotiating forums and governance bodies (the IAEA, NPT review process and UN First Committee).

Sarah Bidgood, William Potter, and Hanna Notte

Death Dust: The Rise, Decline and Future of Radiological Weapons Programs

This seminar focuses on the findings of the recently published book “Death Dust: The Rise, Decline and Future of Radiological Weapons Programs.”

War on the Rocks

Russia’s Growing Support for Iran and North Korea

Podcast: CNS expert Hanna Notte is interviewed on the podcast, Thinking the Unthinkable with Ankit Panda.

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Diversification from Russian nuclear fuel requires market-oriented solutions

Western governments would do well to incentivize and assist market players protecting their conversion and enrichment supply chains until new capacity can be added.

Strategic Stability in Europe after the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

This report provides an overview of strategic stability in Europe nearly two years after the onset of the further Russian invasion of Ukraine.

New Podcast ‘The Reason We’re All Still Here’ Explores Nuclear History launched a podcast “The Reason We’re All Still Here,” with Jeffrey Lewis discussing nuclear weapons history and the citizens who chose to build a safer world.

Cover of the Occasional Paper #58: Dangerous Decline: Russia’s Military and Security Influence in the Global South and the Implications for the United States

OP#58: Dangerous Decline: Russia’s Military and Security Influence in the Global South and the Implications for the United States

This study argues that Russia seeks to boost its military and security influence in the Global South in light of what it considers a protracted, systemic confrontation with Western states.