Hinge Points: An Inside Look at North Korea’s Nuclear Program
Country and People
“I appreciated the deeply held view Lewis had that a better understanding of the North’s people and institutions was going to be crucial if we were ever going to develop the comprehensive approach required to solve the nuclear problem”
Hecker, Hinge Points, p.113.
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Early morning view of Pyongyang. The Juche Tower is seen in the distance. Feb. 2008

City corner in Pyongyang bustling with morning activity

Women traffic controllers remained on Pyongyang intersections until 2009-2010. Feb. 2008

View of the Juche Tower from a bridge over Taedong River. Feb. 2008

The Juche Tower brightly illuminated at night. Feb. 2008

Streets decorated for the Day of the Shining Star on February 16, public holiday celebrating the birthday of Kim Jong-Il.

Organized cultural outing to celebrate the Day of the the Shining Star. Feb. 2008

Sidewalks are very busy on a cold Pyongyang morning. Feb. 2008

In 2010 we saw cell phones in use on the streets of Pyongyang for the first time. Nov. 2010.

On the way to work. Another busy morning in Pyongyang. Nov. 2006

The corner food kiosk next to the hotel always had people traffic. Feb. 2008

The corner food kiosk next to the hotel always had people traffic. Feb. 2008

On a bus stop in Pyongyang. Feb. 2008

Game of soccer for a mid-day workout. Feb. 2008

Rainy day in Pyongyang. Aug. 2007

Off to kinder garden. Pyongyang, Nov. 2006

Tong-il Street Market, a huge building packed with what seemed to be thousands of people and lots of goods, mainly of Chinese origin. Jan. 2004

At the front entrance to the Tong Il street market, one of several large district markets in Pyongyang. Nov. 2006

People in the Pyongyang streets were dressed warm and in bright colors. Feb. 2009

A Korean wedding scene caught during one of the stops of the Pyongyang tour. Jan. 2004

Principal in Pyongyang school meeting the Stanford delegation in front of the portrait of the Great Leader and Dear Leader. Nov. 2006

Girls conducting tabletop physics experiment in Pyongyang school. Nov. 2006

Next desk, another tabletop experimental setup. Nov. 2006

Girls performing on Kayagŭm, Korean traditional zither, at the Mangyongdae Students’ and Children’s Palace. Aug. 2005

Ms. Jong Kyong Hui, young pianist playing Chopin at the dinner meeting celebrating 92nd anniversary of Polish independence. Nov. 2010

Cooperative farm administrator with the neatly planted fields behind her back. Nov. 2006

Yongbyon townspeople repairing the road and bridge over Kuryong River damaged by torrential floods that summer. Aug. 2007

More tractors and trucks were seen in agricultural areas in 2009. Feb. 2009

At Songyu textile factory. Nov. 2010

Public phone booths still in demand in Pyongyang in Feb. 2009.
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