
Middle East Next Generation Network Website Launched

CNS launches new website to promote nonproliferation expertise and engagement in the Middle East.

Stephanie Lieggi

CNS Online Course: “Global Trade and Weapons of Mass Destruction”

DEADLINE MAY 30: Identify how states and companies ensure that dual-use items are not used to produce WMD.

Global Trafficking Map

CNS Releases Annual Nuclear Trafficking Report, 153 Incidents in 2013 Reported

CNS experts report the nature and scope of nuclear security risks prepared with support from the Nuclear Threat Initiative.

Cesium 137

OP#19: Alternatives to High-Risk Radiological Sources

Occasional Paper #19: Sustainably preventing terrorism means finding substitutes for high-risk radiological sources, such as cesium chloride in blood irradiators.

Radiation Cancer Treatment, Wikimedia Commons

US and Russia Can End Use of Weapons-Usable Uranium for Medical Uses

The US and Russia don’t have to use weapons-uranium for civil purposes. CNS Senior Researcher Miles Pomper explains how.

North Korea Nuclear / Radiological

Dirty Bombs: Not Just for Terrorists

A look at North Korea’s possible state use of dirty bombs.

Sochi Olympics, Wikimedia Commons

Radiological Terrorism: A Sochi Surprise?

It is possible that terrorists in the North Caucasus have the ability to construct and detonate a ‘dirty bomb’ at the Sochi Olympics?

OP#16: Rethinking Spent Fuel Management in South Korea

Occasional Paper #16: 12 practicable recommendations for South Korea, the 5th-largest nuclear energy producer and a major nuclear power plant exporter.

CNS article

US-Russian Partnership for Advancing a Nuclear Security Agenda

Results of a study on the implementation of sustainable nuclear security measures, constrained by limited expertise and resources.

Belarus Agrees to Remove All HEU

Belarus plans to rid its highly enriched uranium (HEU) stocks prior to the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, Korea.