
2015 NPT Review Conference Roundtable Discussion

Toward the 2015 NPT Review Conference Roundtable Discussion

CNS convenes an informal diplomatic debate on the key disarmament and nonproliferation issues to help prepare the groundwork for the 2015 NPT Review Conference.

INF Treaty Compliance

Russian Cheating Is Not New—Neither is Compelling Them Back Into Treaty Compliance

Russia has violated the 197 INF Treaty. The US can get them back into compliance.

Twitter network diagram showing discussion during NPT Preparatory Committee meeting

New Media’s Role in Societal Verification

CNS reviews a new report on social media and other internet tools for societal verification.

New Short Course on Nuclear Arms Control to Take Place in Washington, DC

DEADLINE JUNE 20: US Government officials are invited to apply for the July 14-18, 2014, nuclear arms control course at the CNS Washington, DC office.

Middle East Next Generation Network Website Launched

CNS launches new website to promote nonproliferation expertise and engagement in the Middle East.

Nonproliferation Course to be Convened for US Officials in Washington DC

DEADLINE MAY 9: US Government officials are invited to apply to attend May 19-23rd, 2014 course at the CNS Washington DC office.

ICBM Test Launch, Wikimedia Commons

Russia and the INF Treaty: An Alternative Interpretation

Some allege Russia is violating the INF Treaty. Other explanations deserve consideration, according to Senior Fellow Nikolai Sokov.

Stephanie Lieggi

CNS Tests New Online Course on Export Controls and WMD

CNS launches “Global Trade and Weapons of Mass Destruction,” a test version of its first on-line class.

The US Trillion Dollar Nuclear Triad

JANUARY 7, 2014: Report shows costs will be three times the current annual expenditure and result in reduced nuclear capabilities.

Iraq Special Collection

All CNS nonproliferation content related to Iraq.