
Xi in the US

Xi in the US

There’s a glaring absence on the Xi-Obama agenda this week: nuclear weapons.

Russian Cruise Missiles and Implications for USNATO

Russian Cruise Missiles and Implications for US/NATO

A new round of Russian cruise missile tests are stirring up yet another source of contention between the United States and Russia.

Radiological and Nuclear Security Tutorial

Online CBRN Awareness Training – Five Lessons Learned

We learned five lessons through the “Project 10” course on chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats.

Middle East map

OP#22: Planning Ahead: A Blueprint to a Middle East WMD Free Zone

Occasional Paper #22: A CNS report offers legal, technical, and organizational proposals to negotiations and implementation of a WMD-free Middle East.

Great, Now China’s Got Multiple Nuclear Warhead Missiles?

Does China’s new MIRV capabilities alter its nuclear posture? And is this in direct response to US missile defense programs? Jeffrey Lewis explains.

Tracking Growth in Dual Use Commodities in Southeast Asia

New research aims to help the region prepare for upcoming WMD proliferation challenges.

WMDFZ in the Middle East: What Now?

CNS will host a panel event during the NPT Review Conference to explore ways toward a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction.

One Missile May Hide Another: Phillip Mauger

One Missile May Hide Another

Video lecture: Honor thesis seminar by MA candidate, Philippe Mauger.

Open Source Berkeley Workshop

CNS Produces Workshop on Open Source Analysis for UC Berkeley

Instructors Jeffrey Lewis and Melissa Hanham focused on technical solutions.

Controlled Drone Use

California Attempts to Control Drone Use

Dec 1: Discussion, the attempt to control drone use and potential conflicts with privacy rights, property rights in California.