
Chemical Weapon Munitions Dumped at Sea

Chemical Weapon Munitions Dumped at Sea: An Interactive Map

View the Google map with sites by confirmation status, the year dumping began, the amount dumped and by depth.

US Blames Assad Regime for Worst Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria in Years

For more on the implications of this latest development, CNS experts are available for comment.

Malaysian Police Say Kim Jong Nam Killed with VX Nerve Agent

VX is a chemical weapon and is banned under the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention. Experts available for comment.

A Serious Solution for Syria

The conflict in Syria is a disturbing example of the failure of international response, and the normalization of chemical weapons use in its absence.

Event: Lessons Learned from Eliminating WMD

The Nonproliferation Review launched its newest volume: a special, double issue on eliminating weapons of mass destruction.

A wide view of the Security Council as Members unanimously adopt resolution 1977 (2011) on 20 April 2011, extending for 10 years the mandate of the 1540 Committee. UN Photo/Devra Berkovitz

Spector Calls on UN Committee to Condemn Violations of WMD Controls

CNS deputy director recommends taking steps that could trigger sanctions for states that undermine the resolution.

Six Visiting Fellows Complete Nonproliferation Training

Fellows from all over the world worked in an intensive nonproliferation training program specifically tailored to the Visiting Fellows Program.

Why We Should Still Move Forward Towards a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East

Discussion of NPT Review Council efforts to establish a Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone.

Conference of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention 2007

A Strategy for the Chemical Weapons Convention

In the absence of further innovation and action, the Chemical Weapons Convention may ‘become a hammer without a nail.’

Should We Fear the Unconventional? Why ISIL’s Chemical Weapons Are Causing the West to Panic

A review of future considerations in global attitudes to weapons of mass destruction proliferation by non-state actors.