
A highly trained and specially equipped quick response unit of the Estonian army, from the 1st Scouts Battalion, secures a road in rural Estonia during Exercise SIIL/Steadfast Javelin. (Source: nato.int)

Ensuring Deterrence against Russia: The View from NATO States

This CNS report analyzes key NATO states’ threat perceptions of Russia, and provides recommendations in advance of the July 2016 NATO summit in Warsaw.

Negotiations about Iranian Nuclear Program - the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Other Officials of the P5+1 and Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Iran and EU in Lausanne (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Making Sense of the Military Dimensions of the Iranian Nuclear Program

Experts from CNS and VCDNP are available for analysis and comment.

The Future Impact of North Korea’s Emerging Nuclear Deterrent

The Future Impact of North Korea’s Emerging Nuclear Deterrent

The ripple effects of North Korea crossing the nuclear threshold may be more limited than they first appear.

Putin’s Doomsday Machine

The very real and very scary details of the nuclear drone Russia wants to build—and how the US should respond.

CNS Visiting Fellows Program alumni from Latvia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Uzbekistan featured with current and former CNS staff members

CNS Training Makes Impact in Eurasia

International conference in Kazakhstan demonstrates CNS’s “multiplier effect” across generations and regions.

Turkey’s Nuclear Move: Deciphering the Developments

Turkey’s burgeoning nuclear capability should not be likened to that of Iran.

Speaker: Tristan Volpe

The Goldilocks Principle of Cutting Nuclear Deals

Video of a seminar with Tristan Volpe.

Bad chemistry: ISIS and mustard agents

ISIS may be able to manufacture its own mustard gas, continuing a decades-long history of chemical weapons use in the region.

New High Resolution B-Roll of North Korea Sites & Missiles

High resolution B-roll footage of North Korean nuclear sites and missiles is available for use by broadcast journalists, policy makers, and analysts.

Industrial Development and Dual-Use Capabilities

Industrial Development and Dual-Use Capabilities in Southeast Asia

CNS hosted a roundtable discussion in Jakarta identifying the prevalence of new dual-use commodities.