
CNS New Tools Courseware

CNS Publishes New Tools Education Courses Online

Topics include satellite imagery analysis, geographic information systems, virtual reality 3D simulation, and more.

Minecraft Underground Bunkers

It’s Nuclear War. Do You Know Where Your Leaders Are?

Take a virtual reality tour of the government’s apocalypse digs. Really.

Ukraine S-300 SAM during the Independence Day parade in Kiev, 2008 (Src; Wikimedia Commons)

CNS Hosts Two-Day Workshop on Denuclearization of Ukraine

The event highlighted important lessons on nonproliferation cooperation at a time when such bilateral engagement is almost nonexistent.

Daily Beast

A Modest Proposal for Striking North Korea

A “bloody nose” that would also be “unquestionably hilarious.”

Ambassador Elayne Whyte

Ambassador Gómez Reflects on Negotiating the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty

VIDEO: Seminar with Ambassador Elayne Whyte Gómez.

DPRK missile graphic

When a North Korean Missile Accidentally Hit a North Korean City

Early last year, a North Korean IRBM crashed in a populated area. What does that tell us?

Sarah Bidgood

How Young People Are Trying to Stop Nuclear Weapons Testing

And how you can join.

Joshua Pollack

From LeMay to McMaster: The Pentagon’s Difficult Relationship with Deterrence

In the nuclear era, there is more to national defense than just a good offense.

Civilian HEU: Past and Current Reduction Efforts

Past and present international efforts to reduce the use of HEU in civilian applications, and remaining challenges to reducing and eliminating the civil use of HEU.

President Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev shake hands after signing the INF Treaty. (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Are Arms Control Agreements Losing Their Value?

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty seems to be dying and no replacement is in sight.