New Tools & Emerging Technologies

OP#30: Crowdsourcing Systems and Potential Applications in Nonproliferation

OP#30: Crowdsourcing Systems and Potential Applications in Nonproliferation

This report provides an overview of crowdsourcing systems and identifies the key elements for use in a nonproliferation context.

OP#29: The Verification Clearinghouse: Debunking Websites and the Potential for Public Nonproliferation Monitoring

OP#29: The Verification Clearinghouse: Debunking Websites and the Potential for Public Nonproliferation Monitoring

Occasional Paper #29: This report explores the use of online forums to allow experts and members of the public to monitor and evaluate compliance with arms control treaties.

Chemical Weapon Munitions Dumped at Sea

Chemical Weapon Munitions Dumped at Sea: An Interactive Map

View the Google map with sites by confirmation status, the year dumping began, the amount dumped and by depth.

OP#28: A Geospatial Crowd-Sourcing Platform for WMD Verification

OP#28: A Geospatial Crowd-Sourcing Platform for WMD Verification

Occasional Paper #28: Geo4nonpro is a web-based platform for public viewing and annotating satellite imagery.

OP#27: Searching for Illicit Dual Use Items in Online Marketplaces: A Semi-Automated Approach

Occasional Paper #27: Large-scale harvesting of online marketplace information is possible using off-the-shelf open source technologies and basic programming skills.

Emerging Technology, International Security, and International Law

OCTOBER 6, 2016: Experts urge early engagement by industry, academia, and other producers of emerging technologies.

Network graph of the CNS-produced database.

CNS Uses New Media Tools to Track Radiological Sources in Moldova

A first-of-its-kind project helps authorities track dangerous materials sought by terrorists.

These slides released by the Russian Federation purport to show a Buk missile launcher absent from a Ukrainian military base (left), and a pair of Buk missile launchers in a field on the day of the shootdown (right).

ANALYSIS: Russia Manipulated MH17 Photo

CNS researchers conclude Russia significantly altered photos of downed airliner to evade responsibility.

Report cover

Emerging Satellites for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Verification

Final report on how emerging Earth observation data could be applied to various treaty verification domains.

Radical Leveling Technologies Major Jen Snow

Radical Leveling Technologies

VIDEO: Major Jennifer Snow talks about emerging disruptive technologies and their impact on society, marketplaces, governance and defense.