Tutorials & Videos

Video FAA Releases Proposed Rules for Small Drones

FAA Releases Proposed Rules for Small Drones

Video Lecture with Dr. George Moore on February 25, 2015

Nuclear Weapons and European Security: Dr Bruno Tertrais

Nuclear Weapons and European Security

Video Lecture with Dr. Bruno Tertrais and Dr. Nikolai Sokov on February 24, 2015.

Radiological and Nuclear Security Tutorial

New Mobile-Friendly Tutorial on Nuclear & Radiological Security

A new mobile-friendly online tutorial on the risks posed by nuclear and radiological terrorism.

Proliferation Finance

Countering Proliferation Finance: Understanding the Essentials

Webinar focusing on the nexus between nonproliferation and the financial sector.

Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Failture

Is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Failing? Could it?

Featured Speaker: Ambassador Susan Burk, Former Special Representative of the U.S. President for Nuclear Nonproliferation

Ian J. Stewart of Project Alpha

Project Alpha on Countering Illicit Proliferation-Related Trade

Learn about Project Alpha of King’s College London, countering illicit proliferation-related trade.

TV Paul - Pakistan Lecture

The Warrior State: Pakistan in the Contemporary World

Pakistan’s “geostrategic curse” – a possible explanation for its inability to progress.

Stephanie Lieggi

CNS Tests New Online Course on Export Controls and WMD

CNS launches “Global Trade and Weapons of Mass Destruction,” a test version of its first on-line class.

Bryan Lee, Director of the Eurasian Nonproliferation Program on Russian Issues

Interview on Russian Issues with CNS Expert

Video interview on terrorism at the Sochi Olympics, Russia’s role in the removal of chemical weapons from Syria, and more.

iran nuclear agreement

The Iran Nuclear Agreement

Seminar on the Iran Nuclear Joint Plan of Action featuring CNS experts.