Tutorials & Videos

Between the Shield and the Sword

Between the Shield and the Sword

VIDEO: NATO’s overlooked missile defense dilemma. Seminar with Dr. Tytti Erästö.

Insider Threat

Insider Threats

VIDEO: A worst practices guide to preventing leaks, attacks, theft, and sabotage. Seminar with Matthew Bunn.

NAM Disarmament Database 2017

The Non-Aligned Movement Disarmament Database

VIDEO: Current research and future initiatives of the database. Seminar with CNS GRA Tracy Lyon.

Missiles Robots and Tels

Missiles, Robots, and TELs, Oh My!

VIDEO: New developments in North Korea’s military-industrial strategy. Seminar with CNS’s Joshua Pollack.

Russian and US Flags Video

US-Soviet Cooperation for Nonproliferation: Several Case Studies with Implications for Today

VIDEO: Seminar with speakers Nikolai Sokov, Sarah Bidgood, and Adlan Margoev

The Rise, Demise and Revival of the Nuclear Threat Reduction Enterprise

The Rise, Demise and Revival of the Nuclear Threat Reduction Enterprise

VIDEO: Michael Krepon was co-founder, former President & CEO of the Stimson Center and currently directs programming on nuclear and space issues.

Alexander Nikitin

What Moscow Expects from the Trump Administration

VIDEO: Dr. Alexander Nikitin offers his insights about the agenda for American-Russian dialogue under the Trump administration and Moscow’s expectations.

Anticipating the Trump Administration’s Nuclear Posture Review

VIDEO: Brad Roberts of Lawrence Livermore National Labs offers his insight about the potential nuclear policy of the Trump administration.

2016-17 Critical Issues Forum Focuses on CTBT

This year’s participants will study nuclear weapon-testing history, the CTBT negotiations, the treaty’s current status, challenges, and prospects.

The Iranian Nuclear Deal – Myths and Misinformation - Joe Brazda

The Iranian Nuclear Deal – Myths and Misinformation

VIDEO: CNS’ Joe Brazda dispels misinformation put forward by members of Congress and presidential candidates, including president-elect Donald Trump.