
Russian Nuclear-Powered Submarine Dismantlement and Related Activities

A look at the development of the Strategic Master Plan for Northwest Russia (SMP).

Russian Nuclear Industry Reforms: Consolidation and Expansion

Atomenergoprom, an integrated corporation for the consolidation of Russia’s nuclear industry.

An Alleged “Nuclear Device” in Western Kazakhstan Is a Non-Nuclear Installation

A Kazakh parliamentarian announced Kazakhstan still possessed a nuclear explosive device. However, the device is actually a research installation for high-pressure physics experiments.

Uranium Smuggling Case: Nuclear Materials Still on the Loose

Reports of the seizure of weapons-grade uranium in Georgia raise concerns.

CNS article

[RUSSIAN] The Process of Nuclear Arms Reduction and Arms Control in US-Russian Relations

A monograph published in Russia by A. Dyakov, Yevgeni Myasnikov, and Nikolai Sokov. [In Russian]

Central Asian States Achieve Breakthrough on Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone Treaty

Central Asian States overcome stumbling blocks and establish a nuclear weapon-free zone.

Central Asian States Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone Despite US Opposition

An analysis of the development of the CANWFZ treaty, the opposition to it, and the implications of the newly established zone.

First Soviet Nuclear Test, Joe 1, Semipalatinsk Test Site, 1949, WikiMedia Commons

Central Asian States Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone Despite US Opposition

Analysis of the treaty: development, opposition, and it’s implications.

The Oslo Symposium: On the Road to HEU Minimization

In efforts to combat nuclear terrorism countries seek to limit the civilian use of HEU.

Russian’s White Paper on WMD Nonproliferation

A detailed overview of Russia’s nonproliferation policy and initiatives.