
Stephen Herzog

The Trilateral Dilemma: Great Power Competition, Global Nuclear Order, and Russia’s War on Ukraine

Scholars and policy analysts have debated the health of the global nuclear order since the beginning of Russia’s February 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Are new US export controls rules on chips and other critical tech good enough?

Now is the time to work through the future of the multilateral export control regimes.

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Why nuclear-powered commercial ships are a bad idea

Nuclear-powered cargo ships are a particularly bad idea in an era of international terrorism and piracy.

Circuit board and chips.

How (and How Many) Western Chips are Getting to Russia?

This article focuses on changing trade patterns as well as the challenges associated with export control enforcement.

Dr. Stephen Herzog Appears on InFocus With Ejaz Haider

Dr. Herzog was hosted at the Center for Security, Strategy and Policy Research (CSSPR) for a conversation on nuclear risks, arms control, and deterrence.

Logo with the words DeepCuts

The Risk of Renewed Nuclear Testing

The end of nuclear weapons testing is a significant nonproliferation success, yet concerns about its resumption persist.

Headshot of Dr. Hanna Notte

Prisoner swaps do not presage any sort of rapprochement with Russia

There is no evidence suggesting that the Kremlin is prepared to engage in sincere negotiations regarding Ukraine.

War on the Rocks

The Uncomfortable Reality of Russia and Iran’s New Defense Relationship

Since 2022, Russia’s defense relationship with Iran has taken a big leap forward.

Foreign Affairs logo

What Russia Wants in the Middle East

Moscow seeks to exploit instability but avoid escalation.

OP#60: Nuclear China in the Twenty-First Century: Status and Implications for the World and Europe

Concerns over China’s rapid nuclear arsenal expansion have prompted global efforts to assess its implications, especially for NATO’s security.