
Saudi Arabia Can Build a Bomb

Sorry, Fareed: Saudi Arabia Can Build a Bomb Any Damn Time It Wants To

Fareed Zakaria’s assertion that Saudi Arabia can’t build a nuke is simply wrong– and its not all that hard to demonstrate why.

How can we push for tighter security for nuclear weapons?

Despite progress toward improving security for civilian nuclear materials, there is little appetite to open a discussion on developing security guidelines for these dangerous materials and weapons in military programs.

Middle East map

OP#22: Planning Ahead: A Blueprint to a Middle East WMD Free Zone

Occasional Paper #22: A CNS report offers legal, technical, and organizational proposals to negotiations and implementation of a WMD-free Middle East.

Hope for the Middle East WMD Free Zone?

How will the failure of the 2015 NPT Review Conference affect the goal of a Middle East WMD-free zone? A personal and political perspective.

Great, Now China’s Got Multiple Nuclear Warhead Missiles?

Does China’s new MIRV capabilities alter its nuclear posture? And is this in direct response to US missile defense programs? Jeffrey Lewis explains.

Charles D. Ferguson Naval Nuclear Propulsion

Naval Nuclear Propulsion: Assessing Benefits and Risks

Video: A lecture by Dr. Charles D. Ferguson.

Tracking Growth in Dual Use Commodities in Southeast Asia

New research aims to help the region prepare for upcoming WMD proliferation challenges.

World Politics Review logo on a white background

Middle East Nuclear Race More Rhetoric Than Reality

The logic of chain-reaction proliferation in the Middle East is critically flawed. Time for a reality check on the region’s nuclear capacity.

Biotechnology E-commerce

OP#21: Biotechnology E-commerce: A Disruptive Challenge to Biological Arms Control

Occasional Paper #21: Researchers find biotechnology e-commerce has significantly disrupted the effectiveness of export controls.

Iran Nuclear Deal Roundtable Discussion

Iran Nuclear Deal Roundtable Discussion

Video: a roundtable discussion was held on April 9th, 2015 with Jeffrey Knopf moderating.