Hear from CNS summer interns what they appreciate most about the program.
She discussed new UN initiatives related to disarmament and nonproliferation education and the intersection of gender and nonproliferation.
A meeting was held with US and Russian nonproliferation experts to encourage potential future dialogue between the two countries.
Research was on media in nonproliferation, analyzing capabilities using open-source data, geospatial and countermeasure intelligence, and how nuclear governments think.
The danger today is the two countries would accidentally start a nuclear war because no one is talking to the other.
The 2018 group is a diverse set of undergraduates from a variety of backgrounds and specializations.
The two-day dialogue focused on practical steps to address the DPRK nuclear program as a whole.
From April 23–May 4, 2018, the NPT Preparatory Committee convened in Geneva.
VIDEO: On May 10, 2018, CNS held a seminar with Nikolai Sokov, Sarah Bidgood, and Paul Warnke.